Sams Puplishing PHP And MySQL Web Development 3rd Edition 英文教學光碟正式版
Sams Puplishing PHP And MySQL Web Development 3rd Edition 英文教學光碟正式版
內容說明:PHP 和 MySQL Web 開發,第三版
作者 Luke Welling, Laura Thomson
銷量最好的 PHP 和 MySQL Web 開發教程已經升級,包括教學材料,編碼都採用MySQL 5,
PHP 5 並且採用 PHP對像模型,你可以學習開發安全動態的WEB站台,整合和實現PHP腳本
We've taken the best and made it even better. The third edition of thebest-selling
PHP and MySQL Web Development has been updated to includematerial and code on MySQL
5, PHP 5 and on PHPs object model andvalidation. Through a clear, practical approach,
you will learn to developsecure, dynamic websites by integrating and implementing
the PHP scriptinglanguage and the MySQL database system. Real-world examples and
workingsample projects will give you a strong foundation on which to startbuilding
your own websites, complete with features such as SSL, shoppingcarts and payment
systems. The accompanying CD includes the source codefrom each example in the book,
the entire book in PDF format, and sourcecode and binaries for PHP 5, MySQL 5 and Apache.
Readers have called PHPand MySQL Web Development call it the best technical book they've
ever read,but don't take their word for it. Find out for yourself!PHP and MySQL Web
Development, Third EditionBy Luke Welling, Laura Thomson
Publisher: Sams PublishingPrint
ISBN: 0-672-32672-8
Pages: 984+
CD ROM(cdmenu)